Monday, November 7, 2022

Discovering our new home

We've officially called Emeryville our home for a full year now, but between full-time jobs and Financially Responsible Life Decisions™, we still haven't gotten to properly know quite a bit of our home town. Cue the parental visit, a perfect excuse to play hosts (with our newly liberated guest room!), show off the classics (a tour of the Marina, Berkeley Aquatic Park, the absurd produce selection at Berkeley Bowl, cannelĂ©s from La Noisette pastry shop, and bingsoo at U:Dessert Story), and get to explore some new local highlights (Novel Brewing and - who knew? - the University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley). We even hit up a Zac Brown concert because why not? 2022 has been the year we've finally begun splurging on a variety of concerts, so rounding it out with a night of country sounded about right.

Highlights of the visit: a walk along the Emeryville Marina on a particularly clear day - Golden Gate in full view!; a Zac Brown concert at the Oakland arena - nosebleed section still gets a great show; a mango sticky rice bingsoo, yes please; our first trip (finally!) to our neighbors at Novel Brewing - tasty enough to be the first of many.
Sightings from an afternoon spent wandering through the University of California's Botanical Gardens at Berkeley - a really remarkable place to lose yourself.

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