Sunday, April 22, 2018

My new ride

After a very productive late Saturday afternoon in lab, I delivered results. Only this time, they weren't for work.

For those of you in the know, I was desperately fond of my incredibly sexy red Mustang bike. Yes, the model was actually a Mustang! After having already taken her on one international move from Denmark to the UK, I was rather heartbroken to have to say goodbye as I headed off to America. I knew it wouldn't be easy replacing this beauty.
My beautiful Danish Mustang
That said, given the intense hours I work, the time I could save by biking my commute instead of walking was clearly worth a pretty penny. There was no getting around a rapid replacement to my former love. But however could I find something suitable to take her place?

While nothing could really measure up, I found something on Craigslist in my price range with a charm uniquely its own. One test ride and I was ready to take it home and start accessorising. Basket: check. Bell: check. Lights: check, and check again after some idiot stole the first set off my bike one evening. But my favorite new feature? The matching fenders I splurged on from a vintage bike parts dealer/dumpster diver on ebay. Those last bits required a few hours of handiwork on my end, which I finally found this weekend. And now, behold my shiny new vintage Schwinn Breeze bicycle, resurrected from the 1970s to its modern-day hipster-certified glory.
Hello, my shiny vintage Schwinn Breeze. You'll do.

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