Thursday, December 1, 2022

Ca y est !

Thirteen years since I first Googled how one obtains French nationality, having heard talk of its attainability among the students living at the Cité U, ça y est, I can finally check off interview for a second nationality from the bucket list. I'll admit it was a bit surreal to travel to the first place I ever lived outside of the EST time zone, a journey very much in the opposite direction of France from where I come, to sit for said interview, but I suppose life never ceases to surprise. After my interview and a quick stop for some surprisingly good Persian ice cream, I had the chance to tour Nicolas around UCLA's campus, where I'd spent the summer of 2007: my first big home away very much away from home. I was disconcerted to discover how very much a brain can forget over 15 years. I knew my text books have all since become jibberish, but even some of the basic landmarks en route to my favorite destinations surprised me. I guess losing those memories cleared way for some new ones when I finally made it across the pond. Talk about home away from home - soon to be made official with the passport and all, on espère bien.

Los Angeles in winter time: other than Christmas lights on palm trees, hardly the exotic holiday destination one might hope for. But send me to Kansas for all I care, if it's to attend my French nationality interview, you'd best believe I'll drop everything to be there!

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