Friday, December 30, 2022

An in-person Christmas

Another Christmas in the books, which wasn't a given after two consecutive years of pandemic-related cancelations! Finally able to be in-person around the holidays, we resumed the classics: Repak Family Christmas Eve Dinner, Aloia Christmas Day Party, Cousins Campout, and even the latest Bowling with Grandpa. I'm proud to say I even got my first chance to buy my grandpa a beer! We hit up Philly to check back in with our former East Bay roommate who's thriving in the sub-zero East Coast temps, and we managed to pack enough layers to get ourselves through a few of those sub-zero days. I knocked out the big childhood-room-clear-out without making adding too much excess to our fully stocked two-bed/two-bath condo, and we made friends with Olive the dog. All in all, a successful trip back east. Happy holidays!

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