Sunday, May 1, 2022

Fancy folks up in wine country

Now that we're fancy, we drink wine. We got sold on a "wine society membership" where we have to buy 3 bottles once every 3 months and, in exchange, we can go up to California wine country and get 1 free tasting per month at each of the Boisset vineyards. If we were to pace ourselves, we'd have an excuse to get up there nearly every weekend now. Our limitation: lack of car ownership. (Like I said, we're fancy.) The nice bit of news is that we can bring up to 4 people to these tastings, so I guess it's time we get on the making-friends-and-playing-nice thing. And surprise, surprise, we pulled it off twice this past month.

Snapshots from visits to Buena Vista and DeLoach Vineyards

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