Sunday, April 2, 2023

Restaurant Week 2023

Oakland's Restaurant Week came and went. It was nothing to write home about so it's ironic that I'm doing just that.

We kicked things off with Millennium, a very highly rated vegetarian restaurant. A for presentation, C for taste. When the most memorable part of the meal was the carrot-shaped door handle, it's not a particularly compelling place for return visits.

Millennium: A for presentation, C for flavor

From there we went to Mama in Adam's Point, Oakland. I couldn't complain about the food - the portion size was the only thing lacking - but was a bit let down to realize their Restaurant Week "offer" was just the same prix fixe menu on offer every other weekend. A solid Italian restaurant at a reasonable price. 

Mama: solid Italian fare. Pasta game not on point with Passione Emporio, but a wider selection and a greater mastery of the dessert menu.

We wrapped things up with attempt #2 at the Berkeley Boathouse as part of Berkeley's Restaurant Restaurant Week, which kicks off at the tail end of Oakland's. Last year, having explicitly made a reservation for Restaurant Week, the hostess seated us and casually informed us that they were "all out" of their Restaurant Week offerings. No substitutes, just a regular menu. That disappointment led us to Passione Emporio, an excellent Italian place that we have revisited, so it wasn't a total loss. This year, after seating us, the hostess impatiently swung by every couple minutes reminding that there was only an *hour* left in which to place our order, and then she dropped that Restaurant Week was only for the dinner hour. Cute.