Saturday, February 22, 2020

My first aerial performance

It's been a long-standing goal, really since I began doing yoga when I moved to Paris in a studio that  had an emphasis on yoga choreography, to one day perform a really beautiful choreography. Now that I've been into pole/aerial for the past five years, the goal has left the mat but otherwise remained the same. Unfortunately, as start-up life pulls me further and further from a regular aerial work-out schedule, and with the move to Oakland last summer more than doubling the travel time to my closest studio, the goal has been feeling more and more out of reach. While I don't quite see myself getting to the stage of performing my own self-composed solo choreography any time soon, I jumped at the opportunity to sign on for a group performance composed by one of my lovely instructors here in Oakland. I'll admit that this routine wasn't the most challenging, but I did get to learn a really fun new pairs spinning move featured at the very end of the performance. After a month and a half of training, here is our little routine and my first time showing off some aerial skills in front of a live audience.